Chairman's Statement
As the search has been initiated for a suitable Chairman following the retirement of our previous Chairman, as an interim measure I have been appointed as Interim Executive Chairman and CEO, and it is therefore my responsibility for providing overall leadership to the Board of Directors and for overseeing the adoption, delivery and communication of a corporate governance model appropriate for the company.
The Board recognises the importance of good corporate governance which supports the Company’s medium to long term success plan and has adopted Quoted Companies Alliance Corporate Governance Code (the ‘’QCA Code’’). The QCA Code sets out best practices for small to medium companies when pursuing medium to long term value for shareholders, without stifling the entrepreneurial spirits and creativity.
We have outlined the ten principles of the QCA Code and explained how the Company has applied them in the document titled ‘QCA Corporate Governance Principles’ in the downloads section on this web page.
The Board continues to review the composition of the Board and the Committees as the Company grows and evolves, and will consider to re-balance the Board and Committees’ membership as and when necessary.